'Found' a beautiful friend again last night through her blog...hadn't actually lost her but I forgot how to be a good friend and stay in touch. Anyway, I want everyone to know how wonderfully talented she is.....her cards are breathtaking. She made the most gorgeous cards for my daughter's communion...the detail was just beautiful. I'm all fingers and thumbs when it comes to crafting (I dream of the day that I can make something as gorgeous as Tammy does) but I can definitely recognise her cards as works of art.

Please drop over to her place and see her cards...you'll LOVE them.
FairyD x
Oh, thank you Babes - though I wouldnt say they were breath taking! I think you should make a card for me to see. All the craft goodies you must have tooked away ( as well as a baby dress that poor Holly never got to wear ), that you have never used. Come on girl ~ find some time and make Tammy a Christmas card. A challenge for you. So nice we back in touch....don't disappear this time....promise? Thanks also for giving me a mention on your blog...so thoughtful. Loads of Love Tammy xx
WOW! You have 7 followers............see that two of my very good peeps are stalking you now.LOL Thanks Ria & Sylvie xxxx
I am too Tammy - thanks for directing me here hun
Sarah x
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